Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Candlestands are Lighted

Shabbat Shalom from Zavitan Street---

This Shabbat, after many years, Two Candlestands were re-lighted for the Two Houses of Israel. Using seven-day memorial candles seemed especially appropriate, for the Prodigal Son has always been "remembered" by the God of Israel. "This was my son who once was lost, dead, but now is alive and found..." So memory, but now Light and Life and Return and Work...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Greetings & Shabbat Shalom from haGolan

Soon the Sabbath will be descending on Katsrin & the Golan Heights of Israel. This is the first Sabbath which Jan & I will celebrate with a full Sabbath Table. Last erev Shabbat we had only scrambled eggs and challah---no candles, no wine (because we didn't have a corkscrew, even though we had an excellent bottle of wine from the Golan...). But we were blessed with a Sabbath rest that erased all the fatigue of our weeklong journey.
This night we have wine for our new kiddush cup, sweet white peaches, and candles that don't quite fit our new candleholders... What else can we do but rejoice, laugh, and give the Lord thanks for quite a week. So to all of you back there in Maine...Shabbat Shalom. Baruch